New Features:
- We updated the design of the “Install New Updates” module on the Admin Dashboard page.
- The Google Maps Search Results Add-On is now fully compatible with Text Labels.
- We updated the “Close My Account” feature in the Member Dashboard in order to make it compatible with Text Labels.
- We updated the “Digital Products” Add-On to better protect the web page users see after making a purchase. Now the system will double-check to make sure that only users that have purchased the product will be able to view the page. Setting: Admin >> Content >> Edit Web Pages >> Edit >> Limit to Digital Product Buyers Only setting.
- We added the Image Caption feature to all Froala instances in the Admin and Front-End of sites.
- We added the ability to sort member search results pages by Member ID. In order to use this new feature, navigate to the Admin >> Content >> Edit Post Settings >> Listing >> Search Results Design tab >> Additional Settings
- We updated the layout of the Activity tab on the Member Account Details page in the Admin.
- We created a new Design Setting to control whether or not to display the “view profile” button for the Recent Members and Recent Featured Member homepage widgets. In order to use this new feature, navigate to the Admin >> Settings >> Design Settings >> Homepage Layout tab >> Homepage Section Order Options.
- We added 2 new font weight options for the Main and Sub Title fields shown on the homepage of sites. In order to use these new settings,, navigate to the Admin >> Settings >> Design Settings >> Homepage Layout tab >> Homepage Search Settings.
- We added Hero Section settings to the Edit Web Pages section in the Admin to allow for the creation of a “Hero” area on any custom Web Page.
- The Pre-Register form shown when a site is set to “Staging Mode” now uses the Form Manager rather than a hard-coded form in a widget.
- We updated the Post Settings in order to show the live link of the Post Type’s search results page for easier access.
- We updated the logic of the Menu Builder page in the Admin to highlight the fields which have a validation error when the menu is saved.
- The Single-Line Text Input, Multi-Line Text Input, Website Address, Email Address and Phone Number fields are fully compatible with the new ready-only setting in the Form Manager.
- We created a new Design Setting that allows an Admin to set the font color of the title for each of the homepage “Recent” widgets. In order to use this new feature, navigate to the Admin >> Settings >> Design Settings >> Homepage Layout tab >> Homepage Section Order Options.
- We updated the display of the Membership Plans page in the Admin.
Enhancements / Fixes:
- We fixed an issue when performing a reviews search on the Member Details page in the Admin, the system was returning all of the member reviews from the site instead of just the reviews for the member being viewed.
- We updated the logic of how the system creates the URL of a new post created by a member. Now the post URL will only include the name of post, rather than always including the ID of the post as well. However, if the system detects that the new post will have the same URL as an existing post, it will include the post ID at the end of the URL in order to make it unique.
- The “Members-Only” badge will now display next to the Listing Post Type on the “Edit Post Setting”s page in the Admin if it is set to be members-only.
- We fixed an issue which was preventing the “Enable Form Spam Security” installer from showing as complete after clicking on the “Install” button in the “Install New Updates” module on the Admin Dashboard in some cases.
- We updated the design of the “Featured Blog Article Slider” Add-On in order to optimize its display on mobile devices.
- We fixed an issue which was preventing members from adding a Service Area that included an apostrophe in the location’s name when using the “Multi-Location Listings” Add-On.
- We updated the “Reset Default Values” button on the Image Settings page in the Admin in order to make it consistent with the Bootstrap Framework.
- We updated the Stripe payment gateway integration to include more descriptive metadata information sent with every payment intent created by the system. The Member Name, Member ID, Member Email, Action URL, Website URL and Invoice ID are all included with each payment intent to better track the website’s activity and more easily troubleshoot any issues that appear.
- We implemented a patch in order to make the “Member Profile Analytics” Add-On work even if the Member Profile widget has been customized and is out of date.
- We updated the Google Maps integration in the Admin to pass the language of the website as part of all Google Maps queries in order to make sure the results that are returned are as consistent as possible.
- We fixed an issue with setting the sort order of Posts to “Random” returning duplicate results in some cases.
- We updated the description of the “Delete Sub Accounts on Master Deletion” Product setting to better describe its functionality.
- We updated the error handling for the “Add Credit Card” modal in the Member Dashboard in order to retrieve the error messages when entering invalid credit card information when using Stripe as the Payment Gateway.
- We fixed an issue which was causing the system to show only 10 results when using the “Filter by Form” search field on the Form Inquiries page in the Admin.
- We updated the description of the payment intent sent to Stripe when Stripe is the Payment Gateway of a site. the description will have the following format: Website Name – Invoice + $invoiceID.
- We updated the member login link displayed when a page is protected by the Members-Only Content Add-On in order to make it show a modal on the same page instead of redirecting to the login page.
- We updated the description of the “Max. Sub-Level Categories Member Can Select” Membership Plan setting to better describe its functionality.
- We fixed an issue which was preventing members from updating their credit card information when the credit card on file has been declined while purchasing a Digital Product, Pay per Post or a Lead.
- We updated the Post Settings page in the Admin for “Specialties” in order to only display the Profile Page Design tab.
- We updated the Froala WYSYWYG in order to support clicking the “Tab” key when editing content in “code” view.
- We added support for displaying the text entered in the “Sub Title (H2)” field in the SEO Template for /checkout pages.
- We updated the display of the Bookmark Content Add-On on the frontend of sites.
- The Progress Bar will now be hidden on the Member Dashboard if a member has already entered content for all of the “Manage Listing” pages for their profile.
- We fixed an issue which was preventing location and category fields shown in the lead submission form from being treated as required.
- We fixed an issue which was making the login link in the email sent via the “Resend Verification Email” button not clickable in some cases.
- We fixed an issue that was causing large images uploaded through the “Profile Photo” tab in the Member Dashboard to appear pixelated in some cases. Note: The Mozilla Firefox browser does not yet support the feature used to fix this issue.
- We updated the Videos Search Results page in order to show Youtube video thumbnails in 16:9 aspect ratio instead of 4:3.
- We updated the name of “Products” in the Admin >> Finance tab to “Membership Plans”.
- We created a new Email Template that will be sent to the “Default Website Email” when the Verify Account form is submitted through the Member Dashboard. Previously this email template was hard coded into the core files and not editable.
- We removed the “New” and “Beta” tags from a few areas on the Design Settings page in the Admin.
- We fixed an issue which was causing the “X” button in keyword and location search fields to not display in some cases.
- We fixed an issue which was causing the “Hero Image” on static pages to not show in some cases.
- We fixed an issue that was affecting the ability to update the “Post Keyword Search Options” field for the “Listing” Post Type in the Admin.
- We fixed an issue which was causing the system to auto-populate the location field in the “Get Matched” form with the location of the member instead of the user when viewing a member’s profile page.
- We updated the location field in the “Get Matched” form in order to display the same Google Location Autosuggest options as the location field found on the Contact Details tab in the Member Dashboard. This will allow users to choose specific addresses in additional to cities, states, countries, and zip / post codes.
- We updated the logic of the Recent Jobs widget in order to allow job posts to expire if the post has an expire date specified.
- We fixed an issue which was causing the system to mark the Listing Details tab in the Member Dashboard as “incomplete” even when a member has already completed all of the required fields in the Listing Details form.
- We fixed an issue which was causing preventing the system from returning results when searching for a “City + State” in post and member search features in some cases.
- We fixed an issue which was preventing a sidebar from displaying on /checkout pages when the “One-Click Social Login” Add-On is activate on a site.
- We updated the Private Member Chat Add-On in order to support emojis when sending chat messages. We also added pagination when viewing chat messages in the Member Dashboard so members can see their entire chat history.
- We fixed an issue which was causing the system to use the “Website Logo” when sending a Newsletter Campaign even when a different “Email Logo” was specified.
- We fixed an issue with the linking of breadcrumbs on member profile pages if the name of the member’s Main Category is the sames as the member’s Country, State or City.
- We fixed an issue which was causing the system to add a “\” the the website’s name when using the “Compose Email” feature in the Admin and the “Website Name” setting for the site contains an apostrophe .
- We fixed an issue which caused the Member Image Import Tool in the Admin to show on error on servers running PHP 7.
- In all, over 100 feature enhancements and software updates were released this month.