Online advertisers are a great way to generate additional revenue from your site. Advertisers love to place their banner ads and links on other websites where their prospective customers are also browsing. They look for several main things when deciding where to advertise and how much to spend/invest:
1) The amount of traffic a website receives
2) The niche of the website (such as technology, interior design, etc)
3) The professional look and feel of a website
If all the three items listed above meet the advertiser’s requirements, you can charge top-dollar for banner advertisements on your site. Even if your site does not get a lot of traffic, but is attracting the right audience, advertisers will still pay a nominal amount to get their banners on your site. When you are first starting out, these are the type of advertisers you’ll most likely attract.
Here’s a simple, yet effective email template that you can send to potential advertisers. Good luck!
Subject: I think your site might be a good fit for us
Hi there,
I am the manager for the website “WEBSITE NAME”, and new prospects searching for “TYPE OF PROFESSIONAL” are visiting our website. Traffic is growing every day, and I really feel that our visitors would like to know more about your company and products.
We are just starting to allow advertisers to place their banners on our site, and I wanted to share this ground-floor opportunity with you because I think your company is a perfect fit.
We are offering highly discounted ad banner space to the first few people, and I think that you’ll definitely see a fair return on your investment.
You can click on the link here to learn more about our special rates for our first advertiser:
Please let me know if I can answer any questions for you. Thank you
Emails like this will break the ice and help you get more advertisers to pay.